Weekend contemplation for August 6th, 2024
Our crowning thought for this weekend is asking us to take a fearless self-inventory this inventory is to allow you to acknowledge where you may still have some wounds that you are still acting from. This is not about you doing more work on yourself for we have all done a lot of that but instead, this is a decision to align with who you are becoming instead of who you were.
The universe is first inviting us to rebel against the old voices and stories we might have running to say (NO) not anymore and choose another way another thought another behavior. If we do slip into those patterns spirit says to not judge ourselves but be gentle and loving and forgive and choose again.
When we choose again we are giving more attention and focus to our true self and allowing ourselves to become more aligned with that instead of our ego. We have danced with the ego for long enough to be tired of constantly having our feet stepped on.
Let us start dancing with our spirit let start allowing our authentic self to shine through because when it takes center stage and begins to dance with the universe amazing things happen life gets more fun it is not that there are not opportunities for growth it is just instead of seeing them from ego you see them from spirit and you dance with spirit through them bring forth beautiful healing and inspiration to all those around you